Clicker use officially started on Monday, Oct 8th.
The actual clicker questions can be found in each unit document
(e.g. the "Unit: Neuron" link in the calendar)
You can see your clicker points in the Grades section of moodle. If
you correctly answered questions in a class, you should see the
number of correct responses appear under the corresponding date
column (e.g. "10/5/12 Performance"). The value for "Clicker -
Category Total" is your percentage for clicker performance across
all classes.
Register with your UCSD username (Example: jsmith), NOT NOT NOT with
your ID (Example: do NOT use a01234567)
Unregistered Clickers
The following clickers have participated in class. However, these
clickers were not properly registered and therefore could not be
matched to a specific student yet.
If you participated but did not receive points under Grades in
moodle, try to find your ID below. If you find it, please
re-register using the instructions above.
List as of Oct 11th: